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The Super World

  The Super World In the second half of the twenty-first century, the world was a generally happy and prosperous place although the nations of old had slowly decayed away into new blocs. These larger groups of nations were more balanced for resources and with that came a feeling of less want among the populations. Their governments over time became less and less democratic, instead using their increased wealth as a means to placate the people into caring little for how they were to be ruled. The alliances were still suspicious of one another and military tension stayed high. To prevent a general war which would disrupt the comfortable balance of power for the leaders of all of the nations, a Super Human program was begun by several of the largest and most technologically advanced groups. The Super Humans Drawing on the idea that people gravitate toward simple solutions to their own anxieties, it was decided to try and create a visible group of supermen to act as protectors an...

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